Monday, October 31, 2011

Ted talk

1) Hasan Elahi and he does art.

2) The talk was about him getting investigated by the FBI. Then after that he recorded what he did and when he did it. He called then he sent emails then he created a website to put the pictures he took with the dates.

3)The talk didnt change the way i see the world

what will you choose

I would choose unlimited supply of money then i could go to all the concerts i wanted to and VIP all the packages. then i would help my parents as much as i could.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

journal entry

Dear journal,

          today was the same but i laughed so much in second hour.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

journal entry

dear journal,

           Today was OK. my arm is soar from my dog bites but that's basically it.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011



                   TODAY WAS THE SAME

Monday, October 24, 2011

journal entry

dear journal,
               Weekend i went to Alhambra's homecoming game and they won 44-13. After the game my cousins and I got locked in their campus. then i went to my cousins party the next day. Sunday was just kinda a relaxed day, watched football and the cardinals lost and also the dolphins lost to.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

journal entry

Dear journal,

    Today was the same as every other day. In biology we made an eggs shell become soft with vinegar. in math we did the same old thing, in health we learned about the male reproductive system.  

Monday, October 17, 2011

journal entry

dear journal;

    Today was ok it kinda boring because all the band and color guard people are in california and coming in tomorrow.

Friday, October 14, 2011


The definition of success to me is not to fail. and the definition of fail is to give up, quit because your to lazy to try and make it happen.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

favorite subject

My favorite school subject is biology because you  can mix stuff together and make them explode.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

occupy wall street

I think it is really cool that all those people are devoting their time to make sure we get what we deserve while the banks and all that are getting bailed out. 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

if i die

If I were to die tomorrow I would want people to remember that I love them and would've done anything for them and that I was funny when I wanted to be. I was not a serious person and was very layed back.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Journal entry

dear journal:
          TODAY IS MY SISTERS BIRTHDAY AND SHE IS OLD!!!!!!! and I might go to the game tomorrow and watch our sky hawks beat centennial that's all for today  

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Ted Talk #3

Who: Sunni Brown: Doodlers, unite!

What it was about: Studies show that sketching and doodling improve comprehension and creative thinking. So feel embarrassed when we're caught doodling any where. Doodling may also help the def and help people understand more than we would on just reading.
What I learned: I learned that you shouldnt feel embarrassed when you doodle. If it helps you learn better then go with it, and when you doodle your not doing nothing you are doing something.

journal entry

dear journal,
   TODAY WE GOT OUR HOMECOMIN PICTURES TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today in first hour i did a test fix and in second hour we played math jeopardy and That sucked. third hour we did power point presentation at lunch i had ice thrown at me then in fifth hour I'm finishing my pot

Monday, October 3, 2011

fav holiday

My favorite holiday is between Christmas and Halloween. Christmas because I get what I want and plus some other stuff. Halloween because you get to scare the crap out of little kids.