Dear journal,
TODAYY IS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! Today has been really good i have such AMAZING FRIENDS. I am truly grateful. Hope the rest of the day continues to be amazing.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Earliest memory
My earliest memory is living in an apartment and trying to wash my hair by myself then getting shampoo in my eyes
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Any Pets?
Yes I do have pets I have 3 dogs. Jake is a Australian Shepard mix, Eevee is a chow,lab mix then Maggie is I don't know what she is.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Ted Talk 5
1) Britta Riley
2) This talk was about how we could grow things just infront of your window
3)This talk kinda did change the way i think, because we could just grow our own food and not really worry about "do we have money for food" or "I dont have money right now for food"
2) This talk was about how we could grow things just infront of your window
3)This talk kinda did change the way i think, because we could just grow our own food and not really worry about "do we have money for food" or "I dont have money right now for food"
My Thankgiving weekend was awesome! My dad and I watched the Dolphins and cowboys game then played some football afterwards.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Im Thankful for all my friends but mostly for my Family that took care of my when i couldnt take care of myself. My family helped me with everything I ever needed.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Journal Entry
Dear journal,
Yesterday was pretty cool but i had a bad stomach ache and stayyed home but today was better.
Yesterday was pretty cool but i had a bad stomach ache and stayyed home but today was better.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
1 million dollars
If i had 1 million dollars i would spend it on a variety of things. Like I would help out my parents with all the things they need then i would buy myself the coolest Corvette i saw in what ever color i wanted.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Writing a letter to my teachers was kinda cool. I got to tell them everything that i felt this year and how they could possibly help me through the year a little more.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
All my teachers
To all my teachers,
This year was my first year at Deer Valley and many of you, all of you made it AMAZING!!! This is only the 1st semester. I will look forward to the 2nd one. Some of the test are a little difficult but I know I will pass with flying colors. Thank you for all of you being great teachers.
This year was my first year at Deer Valley and many of you, all of you made it AMAZING!!! This is only the 1st semester. I will look forward to the 2nd one. Some of the test are a little difficult but I know I will pass with flying colors. Thank you for all of you being great teachers.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
ken robinson
One of the major points of Ken Robinson's talk was that kids in school is like a factory. We just moving kids by there age even if there ready or not.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
my experience
My experience with the gif project was actually pretty cool. I loved how we got to figure out how to do animations and its just simply moving of pictures.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
if you could
If I could change one thing in the world It would be the recession that is going on in the united states.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Ted talk
1) Hasan Elahi and he does art.
2) The talk was about him getting investigated by the FBI. Then after that he recorded what he did and when he did it. He called then he sent emails then he created a website to put the pictures he took with the dates.
3)The talk didnt change the way i see the world
2) The talk was about him getting investigated by the FBI. Then after that he recorded what he did and when he did it. He called then he sent emails then he created a website to put the pictures he took with the dates.
3)The talk didnt change the way i see the world
what will you choose
I would choose unlimited supply of money then i could go to all the concerts i wanted to and VIP all the packages. then i would help my parents as much as i could.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
journal entry
dear journal,
Weekend i went to Alhambra's homecoming game and they won 44-13. After the game my cousins and I got locked in their campus. then i went to my cousins party the next day. Sunday was just kinda a relaxed day, watched football and the cardinals lost and also the dolphins lost to.
Weekend i went to Alhambra's homecoming game and they won 44-13. After the game my cousins and I got locked in their campus. then i went to my cousins party the next day. Sunday was just kinda a relaxed day, watched football and the cardinals lost and also the dolphins lost to.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
journal entry
Dear journal,
Today was the same as every other day. In biology we made an eggs shell become soft with vinegar. in math we did the same old thing, in health we learned about the male reproductive system.
Today was the same as every other day. In biology we made an eggs shell become soft with vinegar. in math we did the same old thing, in health we learned about the male reproductive system.
Monday, October 17, 2011
journal entry
dear journal;
Today was ok it kinda boring because all the band and color guard people are in california and coming in tomorrow.
Today was ok it kinda boring because all the band and color guard people are in california and coming in tomorrow.
Friday, October 14, 2011
The definition of success to me is not to fail. and the definition of fail is to give up, quit because your to lazy to try and make it happen.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
favorite subject
My favorite school subject is biology because you can mix stuff together and make them explode.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
occupy wall street
I think it is really cool that all those people are devoting their time to make sure we get what we deserve while the banks and all that are getting bailed out.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
if i die
If I were to die tomorrow I would want people to remember that I love them and would've done anything for them and that I was funny when I wanted to be. I was not a serious person and was very layed back.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Journal entry
dear journal:
TODAY IS MY SISTERS BIRTHDAY AND SHE IS OLD!!!!!!! and I might go to the game tomorrow and watch our sky hawks beat centennial that's all for today
TODAY IS MY SISTERS BIRTHDAY AND SHE IS OLD!!!!!!! and I might go to the game tomorrow and watch our sky hawks beat centennial that's all for today
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Ted Talk #3
Who: Sunni Brown: Doodlers, unite!
What it was about: Studies show that sketching and doodling improve comprehension and creative thinking. So feel embarrassed when we're caught doodling any where. Doodling may also help the def and help people understand more than we would on just reading.
What I learned: I learned that you shouldnt feel embarrassed when you doodle. If it helps you learn better then go with it, and when you doodle your not doing nothing you are doing something.
What it was about: Studies show that sketching and doodling improve comprehension and creative thinking. So feel embarrassed when we're caught doodling any where. Doodling may also help the def and help people understand more than we would on just reading.
What I learned: I learned that you shouldnt feel embarrassed when you doodle. If it helps you learn better then go with it, and when you doodle your not doing nothing you are doing something.
journal entry
dear journal,
TODAY WE GOT OUR HOMECOMIN PICTURES TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today in first hour i did a test fix and in second hour we played math jeopardy and That sucked. third hour we did power point presentation at lunch i had ice thrown at me then in fifth hour I'm finishing my pot
TODAY WE GOT OUR HOMECOMIN PICTURES TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today in first hour i did a test fix and in second hour we played math jeopardy and That sucked. third hour we did power point presentation at lunch i had ice thrown at me then in fifth hour I'm finishing my pot
Monday, October 3, 2011
fav holiday
My favorite holiday is between Christmas and Halloween. Christmas because I get what I want and plus some other stuff. Halloween because you get to scare the crap out of little kids.
Friday, September 30, 2011
most impact
Other that someone in my family, my friends have had a lot of impact on me, because they help me make the right choices and I can go to them if I need to get away from my family.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
ugly president
The country wouldn't elect an ugly president because his country is just like that and the people wouldn't care if he had good ideas or not. This country mainly looks for if someone looks good or not.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
journal entry
dear journal,
today was the same as every day. The only thing different is different lessons. tomorrow we hav a test in biology
today was the same as every day. The only thing different is different lessons. tomorrow we hav a test in biology
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
journal entry
dear journal,
Today was actually kinda good only thing bad was that my best friend Ariana wasn't here.
Today was actually kinda good only thing bad was that my best friend Ariana wasn't here.
Monday, September 26, 2011
weekend review (journal)
Dear journal,
My weekend was bomb! First we went to the homecoming parade and assembly which I laughed a lot! Then I went to Lexi's house to make shirts for the homecoming game that was a lot of fun! Then we went to the homecoming game where we had a close game but came with a victory! Then my and my friends went to the homecoming dance where it didn't even feel like three hours, it was that amazing and then Sunday I relaxed from an crazy but awesome weekend.
My weekend was bomb! First we went to the homecoming parade and assembly which I laughed a lot! Then I went to Lexi's house to make shirts for the homecoming game that was a lot of fun! Then we went to the homecoming game where we had a close game but came with a victory! Then my and my friends went to the homecoming dance where it didn't even feel like three hours, it was that amazing and then Sunday I relaxed from an crazy but awesome weekend.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Ted talk
1) Who gave the talk? Frans Lanting.
2) What was subject and summary? The subject was about the environment over time and this was a beautiful and descriptive collection of photographs that tell the story of planet earth, from its eruptive challenging beginnings to its present diversity of plants and animals.
3) Did you learn something from the talk? i learned how things were created and how things evolved to what they are now.
4) Did the talk make you think or change your mind? The talk made me think about how long it took the earth to get how it is today and how much it went through to get the way it is.
2) What was subject and summary? The subject was about the environment over time and this was a beautiful and descriptive collection of photographs that tell the story of planet earth, from its eruptive challenging beginnings to its present diversity of plants and animals.
3) Did you learn something from the talk? i learned how things were created and how things evolved to what they are now.
4) Did the talk make you think or change your mind? The talk made me think about how long it took the earth to get how it is today and how much it went through to get the way it is.
School Spirt
Dressing up to show school spirit is pretty cool. We can show how much we appreciate the school, and we can have some fun!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Test #2
1. the perpose of the spot healing tool is to fix a blemish or other imperfections
2. If the tool is set at 0 opacity you cant see it its not there.
6. the backround eraser tool
14. Learning the tools was actually kinda easy i actually understood these ones. yes i thought there was enough time and i learned the tools effectively. i dont think there is anything else i would do in the future.
2. If the tool is set at 0 opacity you cant see it its not there.
6. the backround eraser tool
14. Learning the tools was actually kinda easy i actually understood these ones. yes i thought there was enough time and i learned the tools effectively. i dont think there is anything else i would do in the future.
journal entry
dear journal;
Today was the same we played bingo in health it was about stress management. In math we did stuff i already knew how to do then in biology we learned the parts of the microscopes. In lunch we just talked about a harry potter parody we're doing and laughed at people who screamed at bees that were next to them and they seemed like the bees were going to attack them.
Today was the same we played bingo in health it was about stress management. In math we did stuff i already knew how to do then in biology we learned the parts of the microscopes. In lunch we just talked about a harry potter parody we're doing and laughed at people who screamed at bees that were next to them and they seemed like the bees were going to attack them.
Monday, September 19, 2011
journal entry
dear journal;
today was boring and elias has an ex stalker that is in love with him but he still likes one of my best friends even though they dated and he cant get over her because he has no life.
today was boring and elias has an ex stalker that is in love with him but he still likes one of my best friends even though they dated and he cant get over her because he has no life.
Friday, September 16, 2011
what is my favorite place to eat?
I dont really have a favorite place to eat because i dont really eat out much
Thursday, September 15, 2011
journal entry
dear journal;
today was boring we learned about conjoined twins and that was wierd. i got like no sleep and i think i failed the test in biology.
today was boring we learned about conjoined twins and that was wierd. i got like no sleep and i think i failed the test in biology.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
do i have plans after high school?
I have no plans for after high school. Im just gunna go with the flow and do what life gives me.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
journal entry
dear journal;
25 days till i go to uproar and see the most awesomest band in the world avenged sevenfold. i will go with my 2 cousin and also see seether, three days grace and a whole bunch of other bands it will be epic!! and in first hour we had to look at dead animals and figure out where their environment was i saw unborn bison, an octopus, and i pet a dead mouse and tarantula. it was awesome. since it was set today we did a test in math then did nothing for set just listened to music and mess around in third how i have to make a story with 15 vocab words it sucks then after that it was all the same
25 days till i go to uproar and see the most awesomest band in the world avenged sevenfold. i will go with my 2 cousin and also see seether, three days grace and a whole bunch of other bands it will be epic!! and in first hour we had to look at dead animals and figure out where their environment was i saw unborn bison, an octopus, and i pet a dead mouse and tarantula. it was awesome. since it was set today we did a test in math then did nothing for set just listened to music and mess around in third how i have to make a story with 15 vocab words it sucks then after that it was all the same
Monday, September 12, 2011
journal entry
dear journal;
today was a really good day for some reason. This friday my biology class is going in the pond outside the school in swardfegers outdoor class room.
today was a really good day for some reason. This friday my biology class is going in the pond outside the school in swardfegers outdoor class room.
Friday, September 9, 2011
test 1
#1) What is the slice tool used for? the slice tool is used to slice or take apart a picture.
#5) tolerance is how much pixels you can select with the magic wand
#8) you can use the ruler by clicking and it is used to measure the page
i thought this test would've been a lot easier if i would've looked at the right tools. it felt it was fair by you saying look on our own. my overall experience was ok
#5) tolerance is how much pixels you can select with the magic wand
#8) you can use the ruler by clicking and it is used to measure the page

i thought this test would've been a lot easier if i would've looked at the right tools. it felt it was fair by you saying look on our own. my overall experience was ok
journal entry
dear journal;
today sucked cuz because it didnt rain and elias is stupid and gay im sooo sorry elias its true u are gay :D and i saw some decomposed animal in jars like jellyfish,snakes and a whole bunch more i didnt know what they were
today sucked cuz because it didnt rain and elias is stupid and gay im sooo sorry elias its true u are gay :D and i saw some decomposed animal in jars like jellyfish,snakes and a whole bunch more i didnt know what they were
Thursday, September 8, 2011
most important thing in my life
if i could name one important thing other than my family it would be my ipod because it amazing i get listen to music and watch music videos
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
journal entry
dear journal,
I did nothing today. Just the same old day I usually have I see my friends and make jokes then nothing else. my weekend was amazing though went to a bbq at my dads friends place (and it was amazing house!!!!) and his 3yr and 4 yr old were jumping all over me and they were telling me i couldnt go to sleep :'( and i was really tired hadnt slept all weekend and now i feel like im about to pass out but ill try not to. the week just began but its almost over already yeah XD!!!!!!!!
I did nothing today. Just the same old day I usually have I see my friends and make jokes then nothing else. my weekend was amazing though went to a bbq at my dads friends place (and it was amazing house!!!!) and his 3yr and 4 yr old were jumping all over me and they were telling me i couldnt go to sleep :'( and i was really tired hadnt slept all weekend and now i feel like im about to pass out but ill try not to. the week just began but its almost over already yeah XD!!!!!!!!
Friday, September 2, 2011
Thursday, September 1, 2011
if i could change one thing about high school what would it be
If I could change one thing about high school i dont know what it would be high school is ok and it wont change
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
journal entry
dear journal;
Today was the same as yesterday except of throwing marshmallows at each other we threw string cheese at lunch.
Today was the same as yesterday except of throwing marshmallows at each other we threw string cheese at lunch.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
journal entry
dear journal;
Today I seen an old friend I haven't seen in a long time he looks the same. I did this really boring project today in biology I almost fell asleep but we have to do it again tomorrow >:|. In math class we learned about bullying and how wrong it is, we all knew how wrong it was thought.In healthy we were learning how to prevent risky behaviors like drinking and driving, drug use and addiction. lunch was lunch usual people I sit next to except today was actually kinda fun. In ceramics i met this really cool guy and hes a senior. Hes not to bad just kinda shy. Now I'm in media prod, and we are about to learn something new yeah!!!! maybe tomorrow will be more exciting see yeah wouldn't wanna be yeah!!
Today I seen an old friend I haven't seen in a long time he looks the same. I did this really boring project today in biology I almost fell asleep but we have to do it again tomorrow >:|. In math class we learned about bullying and how wrong it is, we all knew how wrong it was thought.In healthy we were learning how to prevent risky behaviors like drinking and driving, drug use and addiction. lunch was lunch usual people I sit next to except today was actually kinda fun. In ceramics i met this really cool guy and hes a senior. Hes not to bad just kinda shy. Now I'm in media prod, and we are about to learn something new yeah!!!! maybe tomorrow will be more exciting see yeah wouldn't wanna be yeah!!
Monday, August 29, 2011
what are my career goals?
My career goals are to work with either animals or computers. I really don't have any real interest I just go along with what life gives me.
Friday, August 26, 2011
do you like sports? why? and what kind?
Do i like sports? Yes i do i love sports because i just do its amazing. I love football because they takel the crap out of eachother, Basketball there amazing my favorite teams are miami dolphins (football) and the los angelas lakers(basketball)
Thursday, August 25, 2011
what shoild happen to parents that leave their children in the car on a hot day?
parents who leave their children in the car on a hot day should be arrested and charged with child abuse. the child should be put in the care of CPS (child protection services.)
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
what i learned yesterday
yesterday i learned that edward cullen goes to our school. we did photoshop and the different ways to do certain things.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
today was ok my best friend lexi lowe tricked us into thinking she wasnt coming to school then in ceramics we started our pots and mine is coming along fine it has to be a southwestern theme. today was our first set and it was cool he had like so much extra time and i just listen to music doing nothing just drew abit. and in media production i am going to make a picture of pokemon attcking the white house and its going to be awesome and wierd!! im a total pokemon nerd.
Monday, August 22, 2011
the reason i got a new fone and weekend
This weekend was ok had a party for my cousins and that was amazing! friday night sucked because i was looking at something on my phone and droped it in milk! it works kinda but the screen won't come on so i had to get a new phone its a blackberry. my new phone is cool but it has auto correct and that bugs me that was my weekend
Friday, August 19, 2011
I thought the lecture was very interesting. He made some very good points in there but it wasn't very interesting though. Like the way he was explaining it he had a few examples of how people discovered their strengths. But he in a way didn't really explain how schools take away our creativity.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
my day
I woke up flying to school really tired went to first period which i talked to a snake (i felt like harry potter) then learned some math in second period. I spent some time with some friends in third period then went to lunch at joked around went to ceramics in which i am making sketches for a pot I'm doing with a southwestern theme!! :) then i went to media prod. with one of my best friends in the whole entire world Lexi Lowe and made a really cool blog (its really cool because i made it duh) then i went to land arts 1-2 honors which is amazing i have another really good friend in there then we played some wierd game then i went home and did homework
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